#57 Xavier Decoster and Maarten Balliauw, MyGet and Growing a Business
Xavier Decoster and Maarten Balliauw of MyGet talk to me about their service and how to grow a company while keeping a full time job.
Who they are and how they met, what MyGet does, why not store package locally, cdn, load balanced; symbols and symbol servers, debugging; npm and bower; the tech behind MyGet; going from an idea and code to a company, going from free to a business, developing a business model; dealing with business laws, tax, etc; being part time, balancing the full time job with the business and life; challenges of selling to big companies; deciding on the price; hard to provide professional services and support; comparing and communicating with competitors, ProGet, Microsoft uses MyGet for many projects including .net core; considering investors; dealing with the practicalities, tax, vat, “banking is a sick world”; the day Microsoft nearly brought down MyGet ; 2 TB of data uploaded every month, 7 TB downloaded, MyGet by the numbers; getting feedback and supporting customers.
Pro NuGet - book by Maarten and Xavier